Thursday, December 6, 2007

Facing Worship Teams (repost)

Original post from

Sometimes I wonder what church gatherings would be like if they took the large stage with all the worship leaders on it and put it at the back of the church building, so the church people wasn’t looking at a stage full of people playing instruments

Or if they left it at the front, but turned all the worshippers the other way, facing the overhead

Or if they took the spotlights on the stage, and faced them at the church people instead of the musicians

I wonder if their would be many worship leader egos rubbed up the wrong way? I wonder if they would stand for not being looked at? lol

I wonder if we took the stage away completely, I mean their really is no need for their to be a platform other than to be seen, and of course surely people are not their to be seen are they lol

I wonder if people would still come to church lol

Don’t get me wrong I can appreciate Good music, I think if your going to watch a concert, sure you want to see the band..but we aren’t going to see a band play, what I cant stand is peoples performance in church gatherings, distracting attention away from the one we are meant to be focusing on. Jesus.

I mean lets face it. If we are really honest and believe that the worship leader is not there to perform for the people and that people are not there just to see some band perform…. do this little test… for a couple of weeks put him or her at the back of the church along with the team ( he or she can still be heard through the mic ) have all the rest of the church gathering still facing the front at the overhead….lol

OH.. but im sure the worship team would have a good argument / reason for needing to be front and stage, raised up and having red, blue, green, white spotlights on them LOL

Give me a break!

Sadly Today, many church gatherings are just one big Show, focusing on those leading the music.

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